Episode #725: The Terrible Orange Episode featuring April Richardson
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
April Richardson (stand-up, Chelsea Lately) joins The Long Shot gang to discuss zines, hamburger eating contests, out-of-town guests, and dates.
Comments (14)
April! And just in time for May

I Love @apey
That red headed Different Strokes kid wasn’t just bad, he was Bad 4 Life:
Bad 4 Good I mean…
‘Zines…while people have been putting together amateur magazines for some centuries, and, early in the last century, people such as H. P. Lovecraft were doing slightly mutant variations on “amateur press association” mailings (where people would print up several or a few dozen personal newsletters for fellow members of the apa), science fiction and fantasy fiction fans began circulating the first “fanzines” so named in the 1920s…and it’s a tradition that thrived in that subculture (full of far-flung and often lonely and alienated youth, and not so young folks, who could use someone to discuss the fiction with) up till recently, when (as with all fanzines/zines) the ability to do essentially the same thing with blogs and to some extent with other social media made doing the mailings somewhat less attractive. But, certainly, people out of sf/f fanzine culture started doing comics fanzines, folk music/rock music/punk zines (Greg Shaw of WHO PUT THE BOMP and Bomp Records was straight out of sf/f fandom), and personalzines (essentially autobiographical zines). So when Riot Grrl rolled up to highschooling April Macie, a long tradition was in place (and much of it tracked in the ’80s and ’90s by FACTSHEET FIVE, whose founder Mike Gunderloy was also straight out of sf fandom, as well as being a pro-pacifism/”armchair” anarchist, and he published zines in that community). I certainly produced zines of one flavor or another through the ’80s into the ’90s (and wrote a little for the likes of F5, MAXIMUM ROCKNROLL, PROFANE EXISTENCE, and a DC “alternate” paper of so (along with THE PROGRESSIVE and SOCIAL ANARCHISM and other more “traditional” political magazines)…this all wasn’t Really before the internet, as AOL was pretty firmly in place in the latter ’80s (I used its predecessor, QLink, some in the mid ’80s)…but the thing was, creepy folks had to work harder to collect addresses from fanzines than they did to gather information from chatrooms or their heirs…I suppose one could stand at the Tower Records/Books early ’90s newsstands and copy the addresses w/o buying the ones they had (and they were taking in anything they though anyone might buy once)…
And I can see Wherehouse and/or Sam Goody buying into old record-store spaces when they didn’t simply buy the smaller chains…happily for me, when I started buying records seriously, I had handy Towers full of cheap catalog albums of jazz and rock and classical and such, and some decent indy and secondhand stores…and the same record shop in Honolulu that Barry Obama (three years ahead of me at the high school we both wasted time at) was frequenting, that he wrote up in one of his autobiographies…I definitely remember their listening booths as he described them…
And why I wrote “Macie” rather than “Richardson”…your guess is as good as mine…surely all Aprils are truly One, no?
(Perhaps too many mentions of redheads.)
From another Atlantan to April. Yes Criminal Records is still open, and yes, the cool kids still hang out in Little 5. Loved those references!
I was intrigued and looked up the Saved By the Bell / Bob Costas thing Amber talked about in Parting Shots.
I found no evidence that Bob Costas was ever on Saved By the Bell. Looks like it was a fever dream after all!
that green beret is stupid
Phil Hartman !
(not Harry Shearer)
Sorry …
also PRESS “Klick” !
omg he was something special: blond, a doctor, in the military, went to an Ivy League school, looks like Armie Hammer, didn’t sound crazy dumb in his profile. So good-looking then? Has money? Yeah, he sounds cool.
Hi Valerie! He totally doesn’t have any money! (I never said he was rich or that that mattered at all?) He’s just handsome & smart & funny & super nice.
“some girls are bigger than others
some girls are bigger than others
some grrrrrrrls udders are bigger than other grrrrrls udders”
Morrissey is hilarious.