Episode #815: The Giant Orange Episode featuring Tony Sam

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Episode815Tony Sam (Stand-up! Records) joins The Long Shot gang to discuss costumes, murals, and giant orange fake penises.


Category: Podcasts, Season 8

Comments (10)


  1. Jim says:

    One of the best parts of the week is right now!

  2. bastien says:

    @Jaime: Please.


    You are white. It is racist for you to wear them, no
    matter what your reason is and no matter what you refer to them as.

    The headdress is a sacred item for certain Native tribes. It is not a fashion statement and it is not a costume.

    Also, they are neither worn by, nor representative of all Native Americans (of which there are hundreds of individual, culturally independent tribes in North America).

    Native Americans are NOT Halloween costumes. They are races of people. You would not dress up as “Super Black Person”, you would not dress up as “Super Chinese Person”, you would not dress up as “Super Mexican Person”, and you probably wouldn’t want someone to dress up as “Super Jewish Person”. So do not dress up as “Super Indian” OR “Super Native American”. Do not dress up as Native Americans in any way or for any reason.


  3. bastien says:

    Also, please remove the photo of you wearing the headdress.

    I understand that you don’t realize that you’re being racially insensitive, and I know you don’t mean to be. But it’s cultural appropriation and it adds to the erasure of Native American people and their many cultures.

  4. says:

    1. This epi had me laughing so hard I got the hiccups.

    2. From the iTunes description of the LoShoPo: “The Long Shot features four comedians (Eddie Pepitone, Sean Conroy, Jamie Flam, and Amber Kenny) of varying…”
    What’s Pepitone still doing in the show description? [In Sean's voice:] “What the fuck, Jamie? You should’ve fixed that years ago! That’s why nothing works!”

    3. bastien, buddy, take it down a notch. We all know you have a valid point, you don’t need to be so aggro and self-righteous. Please don’t respond to this with a 60,000 word screed.

  5. admin says:

    Yes, valid points bastien. Although my initial reaction was defensive, I don’t think staunchly defending my right to wear a headdress will be a good look for me or the podcast. For what it’s worth, I think I was actually Native American Dracula a few years ago, not Super Native American. That’s better, right?! (I realize it’s not, but it’s at least much more specific.)

    I do not plan to wear the headdress again as a costume, so your point was successful, however I agree with Yo Yo Ma in that there are less aggro/self-righteous ways to address a situation. Nothing is ever black and white. Every act has context and intention to consider, and equating a picture of me that’s used in a Facebook group of 300 savvy loshopo fans with the erasure of a race of people is a little heavy handed, in my opinion.

    I respect all people and have a sincere reverence for Native American culture, and understand why you have strong feelings about it. I don’t take it lightly. So thank you for the food for thought and hopefully we’ll get a healthy dialogue going about it on an upcoming episode.

    Yo Yo Ma – will get that description changed in the next 2 years, promise.


    PS – Klondike.

  6. Joshua says:

    I think Super Mexican Person sounds like a rad halloween costume.

    Also, holy hell, Tony is one of the best guests this show has had. Love it when a guest has heard the show before, as they seem to really get into the rhythm much more than other guests. Plus, Tony has an amazing wit. Marvelous.

  7. fart child says:

    bastien, you really undermine your point by cyber yelling. if people think you’re self-righteous and lack a sense of proportion, they will dismiss what you’re saying. you have a good point but need work on messaging.

  8. fart child says:

    cone-jee cone-jee wanda

  9. Corn Cobb says:

    Indian Erasure:

  10. Grant says:

    Loved this ep. Never heard of Tony sam before but he made me laugh harder than maybe any long shot guest ever. That guy’s out of his mind.

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