Episode #915: The Olives & Pickles Episode featuring The Kennys
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Ambers’ mom n’ pop join the podcast to discuss eating lunch, among other topics!
Comments (10)
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Ambers’ mom n’ pop join the podcast to discuss eating lunch, among other topics!
Love the show but … really Amber? One adult asking another adult not to swear in front of two other adults. Gimme a break.
This was a great episode!!! ambers parents are really funny and interesting. they seem so great. nice work everyone.
does anyone know where joe wagner is?
DAVE! You completely misunderstood! I don’t care about swearing in front of my parents at all. Sean was the one being weird about it
Great episode. I think meeting the parents was a great idea. Loved all those eps.
A little disappointed that Amber’s folks didn’t talk about the hippie commune. Maybe that’s too personal etc. ?
Dave, I’m sure Amber was kidding. Maybe you are too…
100 years ago, Joe Wagner was playing for the Reds.
wait, jamie died?
I won’t listen to this podcast if Jamie isn’t on. I just find him to be the best. I like his quirks and the voices that he does.
Lots of experimenting with the format lately, this version was perfect! Sean and Amber fun as ever, relaxed, no dead stretches at all. No hospital stories, no poems, puns or voices.
Well done! Love rekindled.
Best episode!
chris, heres a regular howler to keep you over. ready? owlettes
caught your breath? one more: psychotherapy amirite? im here all week